Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Xmas tea packages to Tokyo

↑ This kind of red is so Christmas ... :)

↓ The copies for the sender.

All the Xmas tea packages ordered by Ms. L. have been sent out to Tokyo this afternoon, from Taipei, by EMS.

We are the familiar customers to the staffs in the post office we usually go to. When they saw us brought the packages and stepped into post office carefully again, they stood up right away and helped us to carry the packages.  This post office is very close to us, thank God.

We'd like to take some photos with our packed prodcuts in post office for Ms. L. (actually she didn't reqire us to do that), but at the end, we all forgot about it as we concentrated on what we were doing - writing & posting - so much.  But we believe that the receivers in Tokyo will be very surprised by receiving the presents from Ms. L., we think that will be a touching and exciting moment when they are opening the presents!

We hope the receivers enjoy the teas from Taiwan and have a Merry Christmas!

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