Monday, May 16, 2011

Tea of Today: Fancy Black Tea (Fancy Schwarztee mit natürlichem Honingaroma)

How's the weather in the city you live? In Taiwan, we have rained every day since last week that would be good as in southern Taiwan and many parts of Taiwan need water urgently.

The weather now does not like the normal May we used to have, the temperature is low, just like autumn. In such weather and temperature, it will be good for having "Fancy Black Tea" (Fancy Schwarztee mit natürlichem Honingaroma). The nature honey aroma and mild tea liquid make the rich flavor in the mouth stronger and warm up the body.

What is "Fancy Black Tea"?

The Fancy Black Tea is one of the local specialties, renowned for its honey-scented aroma. The Fancy Black Tea and the Oriental Beauty Tea have one thing in common, though: that is, both of them go through a "spitting-on process" by Jacobiasca Formosana, the bug once thought harmful and yet found to trigger this transformation in the fresh leaves exposed to high temperature that accompanies the tea-making process. This biting by the bug brings about a unique, honey-like aroma. This Jacobiasca Formosana has its natural habitat only in a pollution-free environment and is not adaptable to frigid climate, all the more reason why this Fancy Black Tea is superb and to be valued.

T-Shopping here!

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